Exam Administration

The Sylvan Lake Municipal Library will administer written, e-mailed, or online exams. There is a $25.00 fee (plus GST) for this service.

A minimum of one week notice is required before any test will be administered. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the Library and make an appointment to take the test. Appointments can be made in person or by phone. If phoning, please call 403-887-2130 and ask for either Meghan or Jeri.

Students must schedule a time during the Library's operating hours with the assigned test administrator. The first test of the day can be scheduled half an hour after the library opens and all tests must be completed before the Library closes.

The student must be on time for his/her appointment and is responsible for notifying the Library if he/she cannot make the appointment or is running late.

The student is responsible for ensuring that the exam and other required materials are sent to the Library from the learning institution before arriving to take the test. The Library/test administrator is not responsible for contacting the learning institution to get exam materials or proctor forms but will return proctor forms directly to the school when asked to do so. The student should also verify that the test administrator has received exam materials before arriving to take the test.

The student must bring all supplies needed (e.g., scratch paper, calculator, pen, pencil) to complete the test.

At the time of testing, the student must provide current photo I.D. that matches the name on the testing materials.

The test administrator will not enter his/her personal information (SIN, home phone or address) on proctor forms.

Test administrators will enforce any time limits or other rules set forth in exam materials; however, she will not sit with student for the length of the exam.

The Library will mail the test in the following day's mail by regular post. Once the test is mailed, the Library is not responsible for receipt of the exam by the learning institution. Any UPS, FedEx, or next day delivery envelopes required are the responsibility of the student to purchase and send.